Razzmelon 473ml Can
Razzmelon is a bright semi-sweet cider bursting with raspberry and watermelon. Northern spy, Jonagold and Macintosh apples are fermented and then aged with our raspberries and watermelon wines to create a berry and melon forward cider that is both complex and easy drinking. Perfect anytime, especially on hot summer days.
Razzmelon is a bright semi-sweet cider bursting with raspberry and watermelon. Northern spy, Jonagold and Macintosh apples are fermented and then aged with our raspberries and watermelon wines to create a berry and melon forward cider that is both complex and easy drinking. Perfect anytime, especially on hot summer days.
Razzmelon is a bright semi-sweet cider bursting with raspberry and watermelon. Northern spy, Jonagold and Macintosh apples are fermented and then aged with our raspberries and watermelon wines to create a berry and melon forward cider that is both complex and easy drinking. Perfect anytime, especially on hot summer days.